Manuscript Services
Edits are a crucial but daunting step in the publishing process, and there are many options when it comes to reviewing your manuscript.
Copy Editing
Copy editing is a vital step in ensuring your manuscript is ready for publication. Copy edits include a line-by-line review of spelling, punctuation, and grammar, as well as ensuring consistency in flow, tense, and tone. Using the track changes function in the supplied manuscript, the editor can offer suggestions and you, the author, can either accept or reject the changes.
50-100k words - $300 CAN
100k+ words - $450 CAN
The Final Read (Proofreading)
After copy edits, proofreading is your last chance to find spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors before your manuscript is published.
50-100k words - $200 CAN
100k+ words - $350 CAN
Developmental Editing
Developmental edits provide feedback on the manuscript as a whole. Dev edits focus on larger issues such as the theme, overall structure, narrative, character development, voice, style and pacing. This will help you discover plot holes, loose ends, define story threads, and most importantly, it will ensure that the story is true to your voice and consistent to your style.
50-100k words - $400 CAN
100k+ words - $550 CAN
Manuscript Evaluation
A manuscript evaluation involves a thorough read-through of the manuscript, taking notes on theme, title, premise, opening, genre, voice, style, format, flow, tense, dialogue, plot, character development, setting, writing habits, size, and overall strengths and weaknesses. This read will point out suggestions on improvement for you, the author, to consider, and can determine whether dev edits, copy edits, or proofreads are recommended.
Full Manuscript - $200 CAN
First 50 pages - $100 CAN